Moon Maiden

Moon Maiden
Great Moon Mother of the world. Bless this space with thy silver light.

Quote of the Week

I am not detachment nor salvation,

Nor anything reached by the senses;

I am behold all thought and form.

I am everywhere, and nowhere at all-

I am Consciousness and Bliss.

I am Shiva! I am Shiva!

- Shankaracharya

Mar 25, 2010

What you will find here.

I assure you there are no explicit adult content here, though, I understand fully, that all the contents will be read by adult minds. Please do not waste your time sending negative feedback, or posting insults about paganism, and the difference of religion chosen by other people.

This is a learning blog, all the information here can be both subjective, and not subjective.

Those interested in becoming active members of this blog can freely join, those who also wish to be active students can also join. I am not looking for followers, paganism does not do such things, but I will not deny the freedom of rightfully educating misconceptions.

In this page you will find:

Debates and Essays about Controversial topics
Astrological work
And much more